Friday, November 28, 2008

Rachel Maddow, not so "Unlikely"

More (fresh) skeletons in Lieberman's closet

Jeff Merkley, one of the senators-elect who gave a "spirit of reconciliation" speech in support of retaining Lieberman's position in the Democratic Caucus, was unaware that Lieberman's PAC, Reuniting Our Country, had donated $5000 to Merkley's Republican opponent. He also contributed, spoke, and wrote op-ed pieces supporting several other Repulican candidates.

10 REASONS WE'RE DOOMED: Black Friday Edition

Sorry it's been so long between posts. No excuses, just slacked off for a bit. I will try to make sure there's something new at least every other day; if not every day.

This is thanks to brother-in-law David Turner; very appropriate for today!