Monday, September 29, 2008

A Bailout's Not A Bailout If It's Not Called A Bailout

Pew Research finds that almost 2/3rds of the public thinks the government is doing the right thing investing billions of dollars to keep financial institutions and markets secure.

Marc Ambinder
When described as a "bailout," the public opposes it. When the principles of the bill are described without using the word "bailout," they support it.

He goes on to say:
Speaker Pelosi gave a partisan speech at the wrong time; it's indeed possible that it cost her 15 votes. Still, if those Republicans had been of stronger backbones and more nimble minds -- and more mature than Pelosi, who, let's call it, gave a relatively tame, generic partisan speech -- the bill would have passed. Those Republicans were looking for an excuse, and Pelosi gave it to them. It shouldn't matter what Pelosi says; the future of the Republican was at stake......Pelosi's not responsible for how House Republicans vote.

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