Thursday, October 9, 2008


George Will: "McCain and his female Sancho Panza"

Another Conservative: Kathleen Parker calls for Sarah Palin to be muzzled.

Something For Conservatives To Think About: Daniel Larison explains why a McCain win will NOT further the Conservative cause.
If McCain were somehow to prevail on 4 November, the calamity that would befall the Congressional GOP in 2010 would great and would help to erase all political gains of the previous sixteen years. Those conservatives who do not want to be consigned to the wilderness for the next decade or two need to think about the long-term consequences of a McCain victory, which would be disastrous for conservatives both in policy and political terms in the next several electoral cycles. If his insane mortgage-bailout-in-every-pot plan doesn’t persuade people of that, perhaps the prospect of being the minority party for the next twenty years will. "

8:07pm; Republican Mob Scene; they're energizing the base, alright.

This video deals with what some see as McCain's anger management issues. The next two; lowest common denominators.

As a friend says, "For the Love of God". I have a few of these videos. (thanks to Daily Dish)
As I say, "OH MY GOD".

The one above; drunk (but "Patriotic") rednecks.

These people below are just f**ing scary. Sorry.

TIME: The Obama Surge: Will It Last?
I got a LOT of work done today. I have NOT kept up on this, however!! Thanks to Don Abbott for finding this. According to Joe Klein, it WILL.


Meant to do this all day.
Google Goggles, as in, "beer goggles". If you're so trashed that the email you are typing to your ex, your boss, your secret crush, the policeman that just pulled you over..... then this feature is designed to stop you from successfully sending that message you'll regret tomorrow.

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