Sunday, October 5, 2008


There is parody. There are jokes. Then there are things that play right in to RACIST, FEAR-MONGERING, HATEFUL hands.


I'm sorry, Rev. Wright, in his years and years and years and years of sermons, says "God Damn America" because he feels it is still racist and prejudiced and unfair? But sermon after sermon in American's Fundamentalist churches preach damnation to all that to do not believe exactly as they do (so to each other, because each fringe denomination is the only "right" one). Just last week we learn about Baptist Ministers violating the laws that keep churches non-profit entities, ordering their congregations to vote for McCain/Palin. There are masses of delusional people that believe that Barack Obama is Satan, that Sarah Palin is a modern day messiah. This is not exaggeration, I have posted on this.

My post Palintology talked about Democrats missing the boat on issues that are fundamental to the Republican mindset, but that most "liberals" often don't understand. ingroup/loyalty, authority/respect, and purity/sanctity. That the Democratic desire for multi-lingual, diversity, anti-authority individualism erodes our ability to be the United States. To feel a part of a tight group, "Americans". How is this garbage supporting ingroup/loyalty? authority/respect? And especially, purity/sanctity??

Get Energy Smart! Now! has a good retort to many of the "claims". I do NOT accept that this is pure comedy. If something like this was done against a Hispanic Republican; it would be just as aggregious.

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