Saturday, September 27, 2008

TPM: Initial Polls Show Obama Winning The Debate

And, in the commentary on the site, here's an observation from the poster debbiedoesnothing;
(click title to see full post)

've already posted this in a couple of other threads but I think Palin's off the ticket and Giuliani's on. Just a hunch.

Palin was remarkably absent from the spin machine after the debate, which is normally a VP's job. Biden did a great job on Countdown while nobody's heard from Moose girl.

We all know McCain needs another gimmick to distract people. Palin's going to give a tearful goodbye speech about how she didn't know how vicious the press would be in attacking her family and it's taking a toll on her children, and as a good Christian mom, she has to put her kids first.

She has to do it in a way that her evangelical base won't hold it against McCain. He'll play the whole thing for a sympathy vote for himself.

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