InTrade numbers are not looking good; 1:27pm yesterday, the price spread was +17.1, it's been falling today, it was +11.3 at 9:04pm, now at 9:44pm it's only +7.7.
Ok, here's blips from different live blogs I'm seeing right now, during the debate. (by the way, I'm leaving these in the EST format; and have changed the inTrade times in this post to EST; so they are consistent.
UPDATE 9/28/08: This post was just too long. I'm going to cut/paste the rest of the post in to a comment; and I'll title it, "REST OF POST". So if you want to read some interesting live-blogging commentary from the debate; it will be in the comment link below. LT
Friday, September 26, 2008
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Andrew Sullivan:
9.37 pm. Finally Obama manages to pin the massive spending increases in spending on the Republicans. About time!
9.30 pm. Both candidates refuse to say that spending can only be brought down by tackling entitlements and defense. McCain keeps talking about minor spending issues. Obama is also only talking about minor issues.
9.28 pm. What strikes me is McCain's insistence on pork. What strikes me about Obama is his forcefulness. He doesn't sound academic or pointy-headed. He seems decisive and executive. McCain seems more of a debater.
Josh Marshall on Live First Prez Debate Blogging:
9:11 PM ... Interesting the degree to which, so far, neither Obama or McCain want to engage each other.
9:12 PM ... I guess Lehrer noticed the same thing.
9:13 PM ... Friend points out, Obama has flag pin; McCain has none.
9:15 PM ... Three millions for seal DNA! None for Bears!
9:21 PM ... So far I think this is basically a draw, a lot of jousting, not a lot of hits. But Obama seems to have come into the debate with a much clearer strategy.
9:34 PM ... Can we elect Lehrer?
9:45 PM ... You were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong? This is the kind of situation where McCain might flip out.
9:50 PM ... Pretty evenly matched debaters.
BACK TO ANDREW SULLIVAN: (But quick sidenote, just talked to Don, who said that he thought McCain was winning, because he's jumping around and pouncing from issue to issue. I think that makes him look confused and a bit desperate?)
Ok, Andrew Sullivan again...
9.53 pm. McCain concedes the failure in Afghanistan. Obama seems very authoritative. He seems to be passing the presidential. His exchange on Pakistan seemed to me to be a real turning point. He basically outed McCains distortion of his position and yet managed to seem more aggressive in foreign policy than the Republican. He's no Dukakis. He's no Kerry. He's winning on the issue of national defense. That's new. And McCain keeps gong back to claims that he knows more. And goes back to the Reagan era. This is the first exchange on national security in a presidential debate where the Democrat out-hawked, in a responsible way, the Republican.
SLATE.Com's Twitter status update:
First question about foreign policy comes 40 minutes into the foreign policy debate.
26 minutes ago from web
OOPS! Better know what your advisers have said before you accuse your opponent of the same thing your advisors recommend!! (Kissinger advised McCain to meet with Iran w/o preconditions. Shucks).
9:39 EST: [Sean] Whoever had "Miss Congeniality" in the buzzword drinking contest, take another swig.
9:45 EST. [Nate] That clip of Obama telling McCain he was wrong will probably lead Morning Joe
9:45 EST: [Sean] Wow. And just as they started to bore Nate, Obama lays the smackdown. "You were wrong." That'll be played over and over after this is over. on Monday.
9:56 EST: [Sean] Obama plays "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" card.
I MISSED IT!!! BUT BBC heard it:
9:14 Obama points out that McCain recently said he wouldn't even meet with prime minister of Spain, appearing to confuse him with someone else.
9:10pm An embarrassing (almost Bush-like?) garble there from McCain on the name of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
illuminesce tweets:Achmedenanenajhad. Good job, McCain.
OK apparently McCain's new favorite word is "naive". It gets better, he just said, "naivite". That's pretty fancy talk, daresay, elitist talk? :) He's trying so hard not to say "my friend". But he's mastering the pained smile.
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