Saturday, October 11, 2008
The New York Times is publishing a story this Sunday, 10/12/08, (by Frank Rich, the cartoon to the right by Barry Blitt), about Race & the campaigns.
The speech was written by Matthew Scully, Sr. speech writer for George W. Bush. The quote, about small-town America, was attributed to a "writer". The quote was from a "writer", Westbrook Pegler. I do not think that Ms. Palin knew whom she was quoting, but what would the motivation be to use a quote from someone so divisive? Pegler called for the murder of Robert Kennedy; here RFK, Jr. reacts to the VP acceptance speech containing the small town quote from Pegler. This unfortunately makes me think that there has been a more sinister and caluclated plan by the McCain campaign operatives to subversively propogate this message of fear and racism. How sad.
Click HERE for video of Sarah, Willow & Piper dropping the puck at a Philly Flyers hockey game tonight. Judge for yourself; most are saying they were booed; and Fox reported thatPalin announced at an earlier rally that she was putting Piper in a Flyers jersey because "How dare they boo Piper!"
McCain Rejects Rev. Conrad's Davenport Statements
See statement by McCain's Midwest Regional Communications Dir.
NEW YORKER's Call To McCain.
McCain Regains Rally Focus On Issues; Not Personal Attacks.
""As people are trying to stay in their homes, keep their jobs and afford health care, is what they want for us, to yell at each other?" he asked. "No. They want us to sit down together, Republican and Democrat, to work through this terrible time of crisis."'
According to Rev. Arnold Conrad at a McCain rally in Davenport, IA.
""I would also pray, Lord, that your reputation is involved in all that happens between now and November, because there are millions of people around this world praying to their god — whether it's Hindu, Buddha, Allah — that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons," Conrad said.
"And Lord, I pray that you would guard your own reputation, because they're going to think that their god is bigger than you, if that happens. So I pray that you will step forward and honor your own name with all that happens between now and Election Day," he said."
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sarah Palin is found guilty on counts two and four; abusing her power and failure to comply with the request for emails. (10 Republicans, 4 Democrats comprised the committee).
Unbelievable. Absolutely Two different McCain campaign staffers bring up the "cling to religion and guns" b.s. McCain spokesman Brian Rogers says:
“Barack Obama’s attacks on Americans who support John McCain reveal far more about him than they do about John McCain. It is clear that Barack Obama just doesn’t understand regular people and the issues they care about. He dismisses hardworking middle class Americans as clinging to guns and religion, while at the same time attacking average Americans at McCain rallies who are angry at Washington, Wall Street and the status quo."
McCain Corrects Crowd, Is Booed; Corrects Again.
John McCain, faced with a woman who said she's scared of Obama, that he's an "Arab", takes away her mike and sets things straight. Not without looking like he was scared to death; I told my husband that he gained back a few of the countless points of character he's lost; he seems to realize how far things have gone and that he has a duty to reign his base back in.
A "love letter" to McCain, but you'll never guess who it's from.
McCain's Ties To Group Implicated in Iran-Contra Affair
McCain served on the Board for the U.S. Council for World Freedom as a freshman congressman.
Cindy McCain's attack on Obama/claim of PTSD being for "18-year-olds"
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Probably Buzz word of the week.
Acorn's website is here. BARACK OBAMA HAS NEVER WORKED FOR ACORN OR WITH ACORN. He worked for "Project Vote" out of law school, which was NOT affiliated with Acorn.
Obama DID represent ACORN in a lawsuit against the State of Illinois, ALONGSIDE the U.S. Department of Justice. So the U.S. Department of Justice,, using the argument that Obama "defended ACORN", would be just as guilty by association. Attorney's are paid to represent their clients. And those elected to various Boards are often required to serve with those they do not necesarily agree with. Think of a school board, or a City Council.
George Will: "McCain and his female Sancho Panza"
Another Conservative: Kathleen Parker calls for Sarah Palin to be muzzled.
Something For Conservatives To Think About: Daniel Larison explains why a McCain win will NOT further the Conservative cause.
" If McCain were somehow to prevail on 4 November, the calamity that would befall the Congressional GOP in 2010 would great and would help to erase all political gains of the previous sixteen years. Those conservatives who do not want to be consigned to the wilderness for the next decade or two need to think about the long-term consequences of a McCain victory, which would be disastrous for conservatives both in policy and political terms in the next several electoral cycles. If his insane mortgage-bailout-in-every-pot plan doesn’t persuade people of that, perhaps the prospect of being the minority party for the next twenty years will. "
8:07pm; Republican Mob Scene; they're energizing the base, alright.
This video deals with what some see as McCain's anger management issues. The next two; lowest common denominators.
As a friend says, "For the Love of God". I have a few of these videos. (thanks to Daily Dish)
As I say, "OH MY GOD".
The one above; drunk (but "Patriotic") rednecks.
These people below are just f**ing scary. Sorry.
TIME: The Obama Surge: Will It Last?
I got a LOT of work done today. I have NOT kept up on this, however!! Thanks to Don Abbott for finding this. According to Joe Klein, it WILL.
Meant to do this all day.
Google Goggles, as in, "beer goggles". If you're so trashed that the email you are typing to your ex, your boss, your secret crush, the policeman that just pulled you over..... then this feature is designed to stop you from successfully sending that message you'll regret tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
#8. See new video below; Obama spokesman Gibbs and Hannity go at it; Hannity doesn't fair too well (in my opinion).
#7. I NEED TO POINT THIS OUT AGAIN. I don't understand why nothing has been done about Hannity and his having Andy Martin do the "expert" "documentary" on Obama. The fact that the Anti Defamation League ( has NOTHING on their site about this man who as an attorney in New York filed so many frivolous lawsuits he was banned from filing more without prior permission, and: (is this not slander?)
In a New York bankruptcy case, he referred to a judge as a "crooked, slimy Jew." During the bankruptcy dispute, he filed a civil-rights lawsuit claiming Jewish bankruptcy judges and lawyers were conspiring to steal his property. He asked a court to bar "any Jew from having anything to do with plaintiff's property."
In another motion in the case, he wrote: "I am able to understand how the Holocaust took place, and with every passing day feel less and less sorry that it did, when Jew survivors are operating as a wolf pack to steal my property."
3:35pm#6 Campaign Rally: McCain
"Across this country, this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners and the same standards of clarity and candor must now be applied to my opponent."
#5. DES MOINES DEBATE-WATCHERS FEATURED IN A NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE! This was brought my attention by Kelli Griffis; who was quoted here. Iowans rule, no doubt about it.
#4. "New Financial Definitions"
I'm posting something I received from Mike in my office. It's a (humorous) "dictionary" of financial term- I've posted it as a "comment", click comments below.
#3. ROLLING STONE: MAKE BELIEVE MAVERICK (Wow- this packs a pretty hefty punch)
#2. Andy McCarthy, The National Review, "You Guys Are Nuts" (He is an ultra-conservative)
"With due respect, I think tonight was a disaster for our side. I'm dumbfounded that no one else seems to think so. Obama did everything he needed to do, McCain did nothing he needed to do. What am I missing?"
#1. Daniel Larison, (Eunomia Blog on
"If someone is not very proficient at lying and smearing his opponents and gives the impression that even he knows what he’s saying is nonsense, that somehow proves that he is honest and decent at heart. The correct view is exactly the opposite–if McCain knows the truth, doesn’t really believe what he’s saying and tells lies unconvincingly, that is evidence of the far deeper corruption of the man. Instead of being badly misguided or misinformed, he willfully says things that he knows have no merit or that he knows are unworthy of anyone in his position. In short, being a bad smear artist does not make someone ethical or honorable; it makes him unethical and incompetent. " Click here for full post.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
UPDATE: Andrew Sullivan posted a picture of them shaking hands at the very end while still in front of Brokaw (remember they were in front of his teleprompter? And Andrew rechecked his DVR and confirms this; so I'm also removing the TPM video. You can link to it above, because it still shows some disdain, in my opinion, but it makes more sense why there was not a handshake.
"McCain: Wrong on Hoover
McCain: "My friends the last president to raise taxes during tough economic times was Herbert Hoover..."
Not true. The National Bureau of Economic Research says the recession in the 1990's began during the administration of the first President Bush and lasted from July 1990 to March 1991. U.S. Treasury says President Bush raised taxes in October, 1990."
"10.33 pm. This was, I think, a mauling: a devastating and possibly electorally fatal debate for McCain. Even on Russia, he sounded a little out of it. I've watched a lot of debates and participated in many. I love debate and was trained as a boy in the British system to be a debater. I debated dozens of times at Oxofrd. All I can say is that, simply on terms of substance, clarity, empathy, style and authority, this has not just been an Obama victory. It has been a wipe-out.It has been about as big a wipe-out as I can remember in a presidential debate. It reminds me of the 1992 Clinton-Perot-Bush debate. I don't really see how the McCain campaign survives this."
What don't you know? Obama: Great humor about Michelle. Women didn't react as well, though. Food stamps: unbelievable with women, steadily rising with men. At the very top, flat lining at the top, actually with women. WOW WOW WOW
McCain: "what I don't know is what the unexpected will be". Isn't that the definition of "unexpected"? Audience isn't buying his poor me story. But the women like his great country schtick. Another with the "steady hand at the tiller". Wha?
RE: Israel: Good personal moment with McCain with the military audience member. But EVERY TIME he criticizes Obama the CNN approval #'s go DOWN. Again w/"my friend". And copying the Holocaust! Again, my friend!
Obama: A quick dip, now he's up; almost to the top. he talks directly to the person asking the question. Not wandering. This is good. Goes down when he starts to get technical.
THE MEN ESPECIALLY RESPOND WELL TO THE MEETING W/O PRECONDITIONS. The McCain slam on this is not working, especially with women.
Obama going steadily up on his Afghanistan response. Let's watch McCain: a ski slope downslide when McCain takes over the Afghanistan question. And goes down more, especially with MEN, when he starts on the "Obama was wrong on Iraq" (my friends). And he just said "workin'". He's been around Palin too long.
Obama played the "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran". Good strong response. McCain just asked permission, which 538 chided Obama for.
What a mistake; McCain. He's said "my friends" in 15 seconds. He doesn't answer the question he talks about Iraq again. Cool hand? Uh, that would be Obama. Talking about humiliation is not a good doctrine. Talking about Marines dying at the hands of poor government; blood? This is doing ok with the response meter but it was going down hill for a while. he copies Obama's Holocaust and Rwanda.
Obama Doctrine: GOOD move bringing up the Holocaust and Rwanda. He's making the point that he is NOT against military action. Even the most ardent peace-seekers can't argue with that one. The world cruelty, good. Can't be everywhere, good. Darfur. He's hitting it out of the park. he's at the top of the response meter; the women love Obama.
No one laughed at McCain's gold plated Cadillac hair plug joke.
Women's score just went way up as Obama was talking. As Andrew Sullivan said, Obama looks old. It's not his fault; but he's sort of meandering around the stage and seems a little disjointed.
John McCain: Says Barack Obama was 2nd highest recipient of money from Fannie/Freddie. That was from friends & family of employees. When you factor in money from Fannie/Freddie DIRECTORS and LOBBYISTS, McCain received over $190K, Obama: about $139K.
Tuesday, October 7th, 2008
I resisted putting this in to words; my heart sinks at the thought of something happening. But it's being said; and I fear that the wrong person will also hear it as a call to action. If any harm comes to Senator Obama, I hope John McCain and Sarah Palin realize their responsibility in it.
Daniel Larison comments about Rev. Wright and Ayers; and how Barack Obama seems to be more style than substance.
Common sentiments expressed by a Daily Dish reader. Plus a link to the photos of the kids mentioned below. Andrew Sullivan rightly calls this "Crossing the Line".
We need to be afraid, very afraid. For what this country is doing to itself, and for our candidates and their families. Yesterday, when McCain said "who is the REAL Barack Obama", someone shouted, "TERRORIST!", at a Palin rally yesterday, the media was booed and had things thrown at them. When Palin brought up the "pallin' around with terrorists" line; a member (members) of the crowd shouted "KILL HIM!!!".
Now today; they're shouting "TREASON!". Andrew Sullivan posted pictures that sent chills up his spine of 2 boys with Obama t-shirts that had red x's spray painted over Obama's photo.
Going to try to do something different today--- we'll see how it goes.
I did not see this, but Hannity had an "expose" on Obama Sunday night, in Prime Time. It featured Andy Martin, who prefaced misleading and often fabricated statements about Obama with "in my opinion", and sometimes, "in my expert opinion".
In the New York Times article yesterday, it said:
"Mr. Martin came under strong attack from liberals on Monday. Many noted that the Republican Party of Florida decided against backing his bid for the State Senate in 1996 after receiving documents from his Congressional race 10 years earlier in Connecticut listing the purpose of one of his political committees as “to exterminate Jew power in America and to impeach the judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals in New York City.”
It also states that Martin had a failed attempt to be the Republican challenger to Obama in his 2004 Senate Race. So it appears he has been unable to successfully run a campaign in Illinois, Connecticut AND Florida.
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Palin's And The Alaska Independence Party
Some interesting points from Alaska Independence Party website:
The platform of the AIP is, as one would expect, centered on Alaskan issues. Although it is widely thought to be a secessionist movement, the Party makes great effort to emphasize that its primary goal is merely a vote on secession, something that Party advocates say Alaskans were denied during the founding of the state. A plebiscite was, in fact, held in Alaska at the state's inception in 1958, but AIP members argue that voting was corrupt and that residents were not given the proper choice between statehood, commonwealth status, or complete separation -- something they say has been granted to other U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico.
Ideologically, the AIP is considered to be a hybrid of conservative Republicanism, populism and libertarianism. Among the issues advocated by the party: the direct popular election of the state attorney general and all judges, the right to keep and bear arms, the privatization of government services, the right to home schooling by parents, and a constitutional amendment to ban property taxes. The AIP, following Vogler's infamous confrontations with officials from the National Park Service and the Environmental Protection Agency, remains steadfastly opposed to environmental regulations and actively promotes the private ownership and widespread development of Alaskan land.
Todd was a member of the AIP party for almost seven years, according to the Director of the Alaska Division of Elections.
Best Theory Of The Day
Daniel Larison's post from an hour ago dealing with Sarah Palin's (perceived?) newly affected folksiness had this great statement (click the title for the full post)
"Assuming an increase in aggregate folksiness, there are two realistic explanations: Palin has reverted to old habits of speech as crutches to cope with the additional pressure of being in the national spotlight (we can call this the SNL Theory of Increasing Adorability), or she has simply emphasized existing habits of speech that she has always had. "
My money's on SNL.
Quote Of The Day
..."the Eastern portion of the state, is also theoretically winnable for Obama. He'll get crushed, meanwhile, in Western Nebraska. If John McCain has a nervous breakdown and replaces himself on the ticket with Jack Abramoff, Obama might win 537 electoral votes -- with Western Nebraska being the holdout."
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Karl Rove's Electoral College Map
Update: 10/6/08 1:30pm CST:
McCain's Epitaph?
From the NY Daily News ...
McCain's course correction reflects a growing case of nerves within his high command as the electoral map has shifted significantly in Obama's favor in the past two weeks."It's a dangerous road, but we have no choice," a top McCain strategist told the Daily News. "If we keep talking about the economic crisis, we're going to lose."
--Josh Marshall
Mortgage Crisis And Barack Obama's Responsibility
Click on my "comment", below, to read the full letter."We cannot sit on the sidelines while increasing numbers of American families face the risk of losing their homes.
And while neither the government nor the private sector acting alone is capable of quickly balancing the important interests in widespread access to credit and responsible lending, both must act and act quickly...
[A] consortium of industry-related service providers and public interest advocates may be able to bring quick and efficient relief to millions of at-risk homeowners and neighborhoods, even before Congress has had an opportunity to act. There is an opportunity here to bring different interests together in the best interests of American homeowners and the American economy. Please don't let this opportunity pass us by."
I'm sorry, Rev. Wright, in his years and years and years and years of sermons, says "God Damn America" because he feels it is still racist and prejudiced and unfair? But sermon after sermon in American's Fundamentalist churches preach damnation to all that to do not believe exactly as they do (so to each other, because each fringe denomination is the only "right" one). Just last week we learn about Baptist Ministers violating the laws that keep churches non-profit entities, ordering their congregations to vote for McCain/Palin. There are masses of delusional people that believe that Barack Obama is Satan, that Sarah Palin is a modern day messiah. This is not exaggeration, I have posted on this.
My post Palintology talked about Democrats missing the boat on issues that are fundamental to the Republican mindset, but that most "liberals" often don't understand. ingroup/loyalty, authority/respect, and purity/sanctity. That the Democratic desire for multi-lingual, diversity, anti-authority individualism erodes our ability to be the United States. To feel a part of a tight group, "Americans". How is this garbage supporting ingroup/loyalty? authority/respect? And especially, purity/sanctity??
Get Energy Smart! Now! has a good retort to many of the "claims". I do NOT accept that this is pure comedy. If something like this was done against a Hispanic Republican; it would be just as aggregious.
AP Slams Palin For "Racially-Tinged" Remarks
“…her attack was unsubstantiated and carried a racially tinged subtext that John McCain himself may come to regret.”
“Palin’s words avoid repulsing voters with overt racism. But is there another subtext for creating the false image of a black presidential nominee ‘palling around’ with terrorists while assuring a predominantly white audience that he doesn’t see their America?”
“Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as ‘not like us’ is another potential appeal to racism. It suggests that the Hawaiian-born Christian is, at heart, un-American.”
“When the 2008 campaign is over McCain might regret appeals such as Palin’s perhaps more so if he wins.”
Ok, the 11 "swing states/toss-ups/battlegrounds", per,(great interactive map, by the way). Are: Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia.
I am going to consider North Carolina, Missouri, and Indiana MCCAIN. I am going to consider Minnesota to be Obama.
That leaves Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio and Virginia. (Before I get arguments; if Obama gets NC, great, icing; and I'm sorry, I can't imagine McCain with Minnesota. SurveyUSA is the ONLY poll that has EVER, EVER, EVER shown McCain as a contender. RCP avg. including the Survey USA McCain +1, shows the last McCain positive poll back in early MARCH. And Intrade has the state 80/22 Obama. Also, re: Missouri/Indiana; while they're remotely possibly, they're both polling +McCain; and Intrade trade doesn't even show trading on those states. So again, icing; but not likely, at this point).
So: the remaining SIX, CO, FL, NV, NH, OH & VA.
1. Colorado; went from +4.4 RCP yesterday to just +3.0 today; and Intrade dropped a fraction as well. 69/31.
2. Florida; Holding steady at +3, but no new polls released yet intrade, 53.5/45
3. Nevada; RCP no new data, still +1.8, but Intrade bumped up 2% overnight, 62/37.
4. New Hampshire; OBAMA, +5.6, no new polls but Intrade is at 74/29.9
5. Ohio; RCP went from +2 to +3 overnight; and intrade held steady, 58/45.
6. VIrginia, +2.4 still, no new polling data, intrade stayed the same, 55/46.
So, giving NC, MO & IN to McCain, MN to Obama;
If Obama ONLY wins Ohio; and McCain gets CO, FL, NV, NH, and VA; it's 280/258 Obama.
If Obama only gets NH & NV, A TIE.
If Obama gets NH, NV and CO; the top three per Intrade, then it's Obama 278/260.
I think it's highly unlikely Obama will lose NH and NV. That leaves Colorado, where he has a slight decline in the polls and on Intrade. But Ohio is very much in play, and I think with Ohio, there was a lot of "down to earth" issue; that Obama was not connecting with, and coming across as elitist. I think the Ohio Democrats and Independents held out for a long, long time, but if they've made the switch; I don't necessarily see them turning back. Now the flow of nasty attack ads that will be barraging the airwaves in these states will be mind boggling; but Obama has a tremendous amount more money. But there are only 4 more weeks; and every little bit counts. It's going to take Obama SEVERAL ads to deal with a single McCain/527 ad; particularly ones that target race, terrorism, and taxes.
Ayers helped form Weatherman, and in 1981 was likely in part responsible for the Brincks Robbery that killed two policemen and a Brincks security guard.
From the title link, the following quote (from New York Times):
"If Barack Obama says he’s willing to talk to foreign leaders without preconditions,” Mr. Hayden said, “I can imagine he’d be willing to talk to Bill Ayers about schools. But I think that’s about as far as their relationship goes.”
It does appear Obama has downplayed involvement with Ayers, who now a major educational advocate in Chicago. Ayers was one of three co-authors that won almost $50 million for Chicago from the Annenberg Foundation in 1995. Later, Obama served on the the Woods Fund of Chicago, an anti-poverty and philanthropic organization, which Ayers was also a member of.
While it is legitimate to investigate connections and their chances of influence; I think the above quote makes the best point. As a leader, meeting with those whose past or present actions you disdain does not equal endorsement. I do not think it is in dispute the tremendous benefits Ayers has had on educational reform, funding, and philanthropy in Chicago. While it does not erase the actions, or legitimize his past, the fact that Ayers has been willing to stay in the public eye to advance positive goals, even in the face of rejection, shows that there can still be inherent good in people.
Just as the Rev. Wright attacks caused many supporters to withdraw their support of Barack Obama, so too can this latest connection; and so close to the election as to cause real harm. So, as always, information and research is extremely important, to make up your own mind on this issue and also help others learn as well.