Saturday, October 18, 2008
This Is What 100,000 Looks Like

today in St. Louis, Mo.
Missouri is a hotly contested state, currently polling, according to RCP, polling +2.5 for Obama. Missouri has been the "bellwether" state in the US elections; choosing the winning candidate in every election since 1960. (Since 1904, the state's only miss was in 1956).
Editorial Endorsements
.."it’s a shame that Mr. McCain hasn’t come up with policies that would actually help workers. Instead, he’s served up the same-old trickle-down theories and a government-is-wrong, markets-are-right fervor that helped create this economic disaster."
The Chicago Tribune, who has not backed a Democrat in it's 161-hear history:
"On Nov. 4 we're going to elect a president to lead us through a perilous time and restore in us a common sense of national purpose," the Tribune editorial said. "The strongest candidate to do that is Sen. Barack Obama." They went on to say, "Palin is the most unqualified vice presidential nominee of a major party in living memory," the Times said. "The decision calls into question just what kind of thinking — if that's the appropriate word — would drive the White House in a McCain presidency." And also, "Obama is educated and eloquent, sober and exciting, steady and mature. He represents the nation as it is, and as it aspires to be."
The Los Angeles Times, who also has never backed a Democrat:
"We need a leader who demonstrates thoughtful calm and grace under pressure, one not prone to volatile gesture or capricious pronouncement. We need a leader well-grounded in the intellectual and legal foundations of American freedom. Yet we ask that the same person also possess the spark and passion to inspire the best within us: creativity, generosity and a fierce defense of justice and liberty".... "The Times without hesitation endorses Barack Obama for president...."He is no lone rider. He is a consensus-builder, a leader. As a constitutional scholar, he has articulated a respect for the rule of law and the limited power of the executive that make him the best hope of restoring balance and process to the Justice Department. He is a Democrat, leaning further left than right, and that should be reflected in his nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is a good thing; the court operates best when it is ideologically balanced. With its present alignment at seven justices named by Republicans and two by Democrats, it is due for a tug from the left."
And the site that keeps the running tally (currently 62 endorsements for Obama, 18 for McCain).
One more side-note; one of McCain's biggest talking points right now? That Obama wants to give a credit to those who "don't even pay taxes". That's what he's doing with his health care plan.
Quote Of The Year
"Don't underestimate the capacity of Democrats to snatch defeat from
the jaws of victory," Obama said. "Don't underestimate our ability
to screw it up."
Friday, October 17, 2008
Robert F. Kennedy's Jr.'s Voice..... ????
Sarah Palin Herself To Be On SNL This Saturday.
In her own words:
"I haven't seen a script -- not at all. They haven't even hinted about what that script is going to say," said Palin.
"But you know," she said, "I just want to be there to show Americans that we will rise above the political shots that we take because we're in this serious business for serious challenges that are facing the good American people right now. That's why we're campaigning hard. That's why we're working hard."
Can We Please Flush Joe The Plumber?
In what way is a Doctor & Plumber alike? They both bury their mistakes.
How many plumbers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Three... A boss to tell a plumber, a plumber to tell a helper, a helper to get his electrician friend to do it on the side.
O.k., enough is enough. The man IS a registered Republican (there were stories out that he was not registered to vote, his name was misspelled in the rolls). Even FOX News ran the story that Mr. Wurzelbacher not only does not hold a plumbing license, but has never applied for one, or an apprentice license, for that matter. The also report that he owes the State of Ohio approximately $1200 in back taxes. He voted Republican in the primary.
Even with all of that, McCain won't give up. He mentioned it last night on Letterman, and at a rally in Miami. Sarah Palin, also, is, along with going nutty (sorry, it's the joke-of-the day post, apparently) about ACORN still, is championing her new "Joe".
The Alaska governor said the election in 18 days “is the choice between a candidate who will raise your taxes and that threatens our future, and a leader who’s going to Washington to work for Joe the Plumber, as you heard a lot about last night. And I, I begged our speechwriters, ‘Don’t make me say Joe the Plumber, please, in any speeches.’
“And I was asked, ‘Just one time, just at this fundraiser.’”
Palin Stays Sheltered From Most News To Keep From Being "Depressed"
But $15 Million Might Cheer Her Up.
That's the price they're charging the AP/news ofrganizations or copies of the governors emails. But they won't be available until AFTER Nov 4.
Post-Debate Commentary, Part 2
"Two things struck me as crucially important:...." (click here for full post)
And Another One:
They are killing me. I am a registered Republican. I live in Virginia. But I am clearly not a "Virginia Republican". This ticket and loathesome campaign is a disaster - I haven't left the Republican Party so much as it has left me, at least here in the Commonwealth......" (click here)
And the Washington Post endorses.................................
Thursday, October 16, 2008
You're Right, Racism Charges Against The GOP Are Completely Unfounded. Really.

And Virginia Robocalls, from the GOP AND the McCain/Palin campaign......
Hello. I'm calling for John McCain and the RNC because you need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. capitol, the Pentagon, a judge's home and killed Americans. And Democrats will enact an extreme leftist agenda if they take control of Washington. Barack Obama and his Democratic allies lack the judgment to lead our country. This call was paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee at 202-863-8500.
The "New" Voter Intimidation 8:56pm
I live in Charlotte NC, where today is the first day of early voting. I drove by two polling places before 8 this morning and they were both completely mobbed. My husband has driven to two others in his attempt to vote today, and the scene has been so ridiculous that he has given up and will try again next week. At two of the spots where he tried to vote, he witnessed and was approached by two exceedingly aggressive McCain/Palin volunteers who were pulling people out of line, handing out brochures, and telling them "You really need to think carefully about your vote. If you plan to vote Obama, we would ask that you read this material and reconsider your vote."
At one location, after approaching my husband aggressively, these volunteers were forcefully asked to leave by an employee and were told the police would be called if they did not cease and desist. None of this is indicative of anything, obviously. I just thought it was interesting. I have voted in three presidential races since I have lived in Charlotte, and I have never been approached by anyone campaiging so close to a polling location. Desperation, perhaps?
And another one with a slightly better experience, but still words of caution.
Voting Fraud or Registration Fraud? 8:43pm
Evidence of voter-registration wrongdoing is no more a sign of widespread, Obama-sanctioned vote fraud than evidence of minorities being misled and intimidated on Election Day is a sign of official, McCain-sanctioned vote suppression. What's the real point of turning voter-registration shenanigans into "one of the greatest frauds in voter history"? The object here is not criminal indictments. It's to undermine voter confidence in the elections system as a whole. John McCain wants to build a better bogeyman, and he needs your help to do it.
(McCain) Playing Not To Lose
In addition, has Brad Smith saying it's over.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
This Is A Gem!
Here’s what McCain has to say about the wonders of market-based health reform:
Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation.
So McCain, who now poses as the scourge of Wall Street, was praising financial deregulation like 10 seconds ago — and promising that if we marketize health care, it will perform as well as the financial industry!
I have to reiterate things sometimes, and now, it's about the ACORN deal, AGAIN.
I know TPM is very liberal, but still; it's bottom line information, that is not, not not gettign mentioned. CNN, who is usually very good; has been the worst culprit here; being extremely misleading. ACORN is an organization that gets their money from grants, etc. So they have a vested interest in meeting their "quotas". They are operating, often, in inner city neighborhoods, and relying on "volunteers" or people they pay based on performance. So is there a massive left wing conspiracy to rig an election through ACORN? Um, I'm going to say not likely, because if you register Kentucky Fried Chicken at 123 Sesame Street, Anytown, USA, then I'm doubtful KFC's showin' up to vote. It has been stated repeatedly that this is massive voter REGISTRATION fraud, NOT VOTER fraud. Those are very different. Historically, there has been no evidence of ACORN related mass voter fraud, in any election. These are, usually, very low income people out signing people up to get paid. It's unfortunate that it gets turned it to this massive Obama conspiracy.
From the link:
"That's not because ACORN hasn't submitted hundreds or even thousands of fraudulent registration forms in several crucial swing states. They have -- though it's worth noting again that in many states, they're required by law to submit any forms their canvassers collect.
But to reiterate the main point: according to experts, fraudulent registration forms almost never lead to lead to fraudulent voting. If ACORN submits a form with the name Mickey Mouse, Mickey is unlikely to show up to vote on election day.
In other words, there's a crucial distinction between voter registration fraud and voter fraud -- and there's essentially no evidence whatsoever of the latter."
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Today's Polls. The NYT/CBS News Poll isn't the only one in double digits.
I've Been Saying This For Over A Week.
It is absolutely crazy that the "Chicago Man of the Year" who was awarded money by ANNENBERG; a Nixon ambassador and major Republican contributor, who also worked with a bipartisan foundation, and is a distinguished Professor at a University. Why isn't the dean that hired him under attack? What about every other Professor in his department? What about the students that take his classes? The parents that pay for those classes? I could go on. I don't need to, Andrew Sullivan takes it over.....
"Republicans Who Fund Bill Ayers
I think Obama's relatively weak but nonetheless real interactions with William Ayers are a legitimate campaign issue. But Obama's best response, after telling the facts of the relationship, is to point out who else supported him. Republican machers Walter and Leonora Annenberg gave the former terrorist $50 million. They also gave money to Rick Santorum, Strom Thurmond and Mitt Romney. Annenberg was Nixon's ambassador to Britain. If Obama is "palling around with terrorists," the Republican Annenbergs are funding them.
Yesterday, the McCain campain put out a press release boasting that Leonore Annenberg had just endorsed him for president. Why is McCain happy to accept the endorsement of a funder of terrorism?"
Monday, October 13, 2008
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2008.... CONT.
Michelle Malkin, self described Conservative Journalist, who just yesterday posted a story about the "false narrative" created by Obama supporters, making fun of the supposed "mobs", saying, Oooh, it's "scaaaary", and Oh "Please.". WELL, today, here's what she has to say, in her post entitled: "SIGH: McCain and his friends at....... ACORN." She says:
"If you want to know why see-sawing John McCain has had to be goaded, prodded, begged, and dragged into spotlighting Barack Obama’s radical ACORN roots, here’s your answer:
Turns out John McCain had no problem calling ACORN members his friends during his ill-fated illegal alien shamnesty crusade.
NOW, in yesterday's post, where she is particularly furious with conservatives and Republicans speaking out against McCain's perceived endorsement of the hate fueled campaign rallies, she does show quite a few TERRIBLE things that have been posted; said, etc. about McCain, Palin, and even Bush. I "rebuke", "reject", and all of the other proper words that should be used to distance oneself from many of these things. I do NOT think that a horribly inappropriate bumper sticker or photo "collage" is the same as incendiary riot inciting comments of "terrorist", "kill him", etc. Particularly when those statements are not IMMEDIATELY disowned. SEE MY COMMENT FOR MORE...MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2008
Ta-Nehisi Coates Shares What Brought Him To Tears Today.
"Seriously guys sometimes we forget. Here's a note from a reader:
My father (85 year old African-American and, in fact, a "public
intellectual" who helped coin the phrase "African-American" 40 years
ago, a phrase we now take for granted on our census forms) and his wife
(77 old European-American, the term they both hope will replace "white"
someday, and life-long civil rights activist and academic) voted this
morning in Atlanta, GA. My stepmother emailed me this morning to tell
me about their experience, early voting, getting "fragile elderly"
treatment from the poll-workers, wishing she could kick up her
septuagenarian heels after casting her vote.
I sat in my office, reading her email, and wept. Then, I went down the
hall to my colleague's office, sat down, and wept. After seven decades
of constant struggle, my father walked into that booth and knew that his
life's work was now done. My stepmother can think of every person who
secretly and not-so-secretly thought of her as some kind of race
traitor, smile and think "I told you so!"
Obama will win, I'm sure he will. But today, my parents did. I am so
deeply, deeply grateful."
McCain YouTube Video; McCain declines to disown Obama-Osama comparison.
Florida Republicans start distancing themselves from McCain campaign.
"Even Gov. Charlie Crist, who helped deliver Florida for McCain during the primary, said he will be spending more time minding the state's weak economy than campaigning for the Arizona senator in the final weeks before Election Day."
Yes folks, it is true, and here is the YouTube video to prove it. As Ta-Nehisi Coates says; it is not the one lone nutcase that is the problem; the world is full of wackos. It is the CROWD that allows it to happen.
"I wasn't going to post about this guy with the Obama monkey-doll. Then I watched the video again, and noticed something. There is nothing troubling about one lone racist nut in a crowd. What's troubling is the crowd. Dig how they just look on and smile uncomfortably. No one confronts him. This is the banality of evil, no? It isn't the guy doing the deed. Its the enablers who give comfort and haven to spew his hatred. On one level, I'm thankful for them. Anyone, who wants to now say that an Obama election proves that racism is dead will have to contend with this last week. And it isn't the nuts that this person must contend with---it's the crowds, the crowds who silently, and sometimes not so silently, just stand by and let it happen. They are all, to a man, cowards."
Andrew Sullivan calls out the overall result of the o-bomb-a-palooz-a with this link to an ABC article. In his previous post, he refers to Bill Kristol's hypocritical article from yesterday calling for McCain to go positive. This after calling for McCain to go negative, just a few days ago. A gem from the press released snippet of McCain's new speech:
“The national media has written us off.,” McCain says in excerpts released by the campaign. “Sen. Obama is measuring the drapes and planning with Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Reid to raise taxes, increase spending, take away your right to vote by secret ballot in labor elections and concede defeat in Iraq. But they forgot to let you decide. My friends, we’ve got them just where we want them.”
Is McCain going to pull off his new "Feisty" speech?
Mike Allen @ thinks "it's more like hitting the panic button".
Hearing A Lot About Reagan, Lately?
Larison on "The Power of Myths".
Because at this point, a small percentage will be making the decision; (those that are committed are committed, but there are still plenty of those that are susceptible to manipulation, by both sides.
I feel these are all very important things to know the truth behind; because they will come up, and it's important to set the records straight.
1. William (Bill) Ayers. I have posted a lot about this relationship, and this man (who was named Chicago's CITIZEN OF THE YEAR in 1997, for his work on education. It also mentions ACORN. Click the links of the items and you'll be taken to the official fact-checking entries! Politifact called this a "Pants-on-fire" lie.
2. BORN ALIVE: Gianna Jessen says she'd be dead if Obama had his way. This discusses all of the abortion uproar.
3. TROOPERGATE: Andrew Sullivan is my favorite source; and he has all the links to support his positions. Another link here. The Fact Checker at Washington Post? Here.
4. Obama's Insurance Plan has Mandates for Small Businesses?
5. McCain voted Against a war funding bill because of a timeline clause. This was first marked as "half true", then after being shown the full proof; Politifact changed their finding to True.
6. Obama voted for 94 tax increases? As this says, "not even close". says this as well.
7. McCain's health plan leaves you to pay health insurance tax? Barely true, and misleading.
8. Obama's Fannie Mae Connections. Also, don't forget, when the totals are tallied; Obama received more from friends & family of Fannie/Freddie employees, but McCain received MUCH more from directors & lobbyists, bringing his grand total HIGHER than Obama's.
9. Obama is going to raise your taxes. Or Obama is raising taxes on families making $42,000 a year. This has been going on since the summer; he is still wrong.
10. Obama supported sex education for kindergartners. Wrong on so many levels, Politifact agrees, another "Pants-on-Fire" lie.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I Talked About This Guy Before.
Andy Martin, the brains behind the "Barack Obama is a Muslim". What a gem. I posted about this myself here, in the section about Hannity's Expose. Linked article above; NY Times,
Beep, Beep: Road Runner lets McCain blow up
Barack Obama's strategy of calm is provoking his rival into fatal errors
Andrew Sullivan's article in The Sunday Times. Here's a part, but worth reading the whole story.
"Obama rarely directly attacks. He subtly baits. His most brilliant rope-a-dope of the entire campaign was against Bill Clinton in the spring. In a newspaper interview, Obama cited Ronald Reagan as the last transformational president. He didn’t mention Clinton. The former president was offended by being implicitly dissed, took the bait and unleashed a series of unwise public scoffs at the young Democrat, culminating in a dismissal of Obama as another Jesse Jackson. Suddenly, black Democrats abandoned Clinton’s wife, and the Clintons’ base collapsed. Obama merely stepped out of the way as the Clintons self-destructed. He didn’t just end their campaign; he helped to bury their reputation."
My brother in law David Turner, (Dayton, OH) sent me a link to this VIDEO, and WEBSITE. It was sent to him by a woman whose husband works at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Please pass this website along to anyone concerned with Obama and the military; or to anyone, actually. There are pamphlets, a Fact Check section; it is an informative site.