Monday, October 13, 2008

Because at this point, a small percentage will be making the decision; (those that are committed are committed, but there are still plenty of those that are susceptible to manipulation, by both sides.
I feel these are all very important things to know the truth behind; because they will come up, and it's important to set the records straight.
1. William (Bill) Ayers. I have posted a lot about this relationship, and this man (who was named Chicago's CITIZEN OF THE YEAR in 1997, for his work on education. It also mentions ACORN. Click the links of the items and you'll be taken to the official fact-checking entries! Politifact called this a "Pants-on-fire" lie.
2. BORN ALIVE: Gianna Jessen says she'd be dead if Obama had his way. This discusses all of the abortion uproar.
3. TROOPERGATE: Andrew Sullivan is my favorite source; and he has all the links to support his positions. Another link here. The Fact Checker at Washington Post? Here.
4. Obama's Insurance Plan has Mandates for Small Businesses?
5. McCain voted Against a war funding bill because of a timeline clause. This was first marked as "half true", then after being shown the full proof; Politifact changed their finding to True.
6. Obama voted for 94 tax increases? As this says, "not even close". says this as well.
7. McCain's health plan leaves you to pay health insurance tax? Barely true, and misleading.
8. Obama's Fannie Mae Connections. Also, don't forget, when the totals are tallied; Obama received more from friends & family of Fannie/Freddie employees, but McCain received MUCH more from directors & lobbyists, bringing his grand total HIGHER than Obama's.
9. Obama is going to raise your taxes. Or Obama is raising taxes on families making $42,000 a year. This has been going on since the summer; he is still wrong.
10. Obama supported sex education for kindergartners. Wrong on so many levels, Politifact agrees, another "Pants-on-Fire" lie.

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