Michelle Malkin, self described Conservative Journalist, who just yesterday posted a story about the "false narrative" created by Obama supporters, making fun of the supposed "mobs", saying, Oooh, it's "scaaaary", and Oh "Please.". WELL, today, here's what she has to say, in her post entitled: "SIGH: McCain and his friends at....... ACORN." She says:
"If you want to know why see-sawing John McCain has had to be goaded, prodded, begged, and dragged into spotlighting Barack Obama’s radical ACORN roots, here’s your answer:
Turns out John McCain had no problem calling ACORN members his friends during his ill-fated illegal alien shamnesty crusade.
NOW, in yesterday's post, where she is particularly furious with conservatives and Republicans speaking out against McCain's perceived endorsement of the hate fueled campaign rallies, she does show quite a few TERRIBLE things that have been posted; said, etc. about McCain, Palin, and even Bush. I "rebuke", "reject", and all of the other proper words that should be used to distance oneself from many of these things. I do NOT think that a horribly inappropriate bumper sticker or photo "collage" is the same as incendiary riot inciting comments of "terrorist", "kill him", etc. Particularly when those statements are not IMMEDIATELY disowned. SEE MY COMMENT FOR MORE...
1 comment:
But, Obama supporters should NOT be stooping to those levels. I know, I know, but just because you want to punch Sarah Palin in the face, does not mean a cartoon depicting that is necessary. "Abort Sarah Palin"? How is that better than saying Barack Obama wants to kill babies? Or kills babies? Or wants his daughters to have abortions? Come on. Pointing fake guns at her head, her kids head, Bush's head? It's all free speech, and that's fine; but then you can say that calling Barack Obama a Muslim Messiah who wants to kill babies and will let terrorists take over our country is o.k., too. We know what the lines of decency are.
Now, I have not seen any of these images I'm describing until today. On one hand, you could say that Malkin is right, the "MSM" won't publicize things like this. But I do not agree with that, I think it is because (I hope) the Democrats are much less prone to the mass-hysteria, believe-what-you're emailed hype. For the dozens, if not hundreds, of flat out slanderous emails that have been circulated about Senator Obama; how many have you seen about McCain? Palin? The CLOSEST you could come on either of them would be the Trig Palin brouhaha. But that wasn't a mass email campaign, either. AND, as I posted about on 9/26, and Andrew Sullivan points out, THOSE CLAIMS HAVE YET TO BE DISPROVEN, for what that's worth.
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