Sunday, October 5, 2008


Though it was brought up in the primaries; and by one organization in August, now the man behind the actual John Kerry "Swift Boat" 527 campaign, Harold Simmons, that some say lost the 2004 election for Kerry, is the sole donor funding a campaign to link Barack Obama with William (Bill) Ayers.

Ayers helped form Weatherman, and in 1981 was likely in part responsible for the Brincks Robbery that killed two policemen and a Brincks security guard.

From the title link, the following quote (from New York Times):

"If Barack Obama says he’s willing to talk to foreign leaders without preconditions,” Mr. Hayden said, “I can imagine he’d be willing to talk to Bill Ayers about schools. But I think that’s about as far as their relationship goes.”

It does appear Obama has downplayed involvement with Ayers, who now a major educational advocate in Chicago. Ayers was one of three co-authors that won almost $50 million for Chicago from the Annenberg Foundation in 1995. Later, Obama served on the the Woods Fund of Chicago, an anti-poverty and philanthropic organization, which Ayers was also a member of.

While it is legitimate to investigate connections and their chances of influence; I think the above quote makes the best point. As a leader, meeting with those whose past or present actions you disdain does not equal endorsement. I do not think it is in dispute the tremendous benefits Ayers has had on educational reform, funding, and philanthropy in Chicago. While it does not erase the actions, or legitimize his past, the fact that Ayers has been willing to stay in the public eye to advance positive goals, even in the face of rejection, shows that there can still be inherent good in people.

Just as the Rev. Wright attacks caused many supporters to withdraw their support of Barack Obama, so too can this latest connection; and so close to the election as to cause real harm. So, as always, information and research is extremely important, to make up your own mind on this issue and also help others learn as well.

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