An article at the group's site,, all but endorsed McCain this past week, then was pulled down. The statement could have been this:
"McCain's policies seek to confront radical Islamic extremism and terrorism and roll it back while Obama's, although intending to do the same, could make it worse," said the site. This statement was later removed, says an article on
The "shadowy" Clarion Fund, behind the DVD, say they are not endorsing any candidate or party. However the website clearly points out "liberal" agendas, and the Florida Attorney General, who was also a campaign adviser to Rudy Guiliani, REQUIRED his employees to watch the film.
Apparently, this DVD was in our Des Moines Register Sunday paper two weeks ago. Now that I think about it, I vaguely remember there being a cd in the outer wrapper. Where it went, I have no idea; I truly hope it was assumed to be an ad (like the trial games in cereal boxes) and tossed with other garbage. While information can be helpful; especially to cement one's own convictions; there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this mass campaign was to revive the "Barack Obama is a Muslim" and he will take over and bring radial Islamic extremists to take us over. Or, to just instill enough misgiving in the non-thinking sector of America to make them vote for McCain or not vote at all.
The story is not yet broken, but there seems to be quite a few references linking the funding of this mass campaign to Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire. (google: Sheldon Adelson "Obsession").
The Clarion Fund, the official source behind the film and the one whose bulk mail permit was used for the distribution, had no money in their bulk mail account per the New York Postmaster. So with someone else behind it, and costs that are estimated in the 5-15million dollar plus range..... shares the same office address as Aish Hatorah; and if the video is being distributed as non-political related, and the organizations are not for profit, how can statements like this be made?
Tom Trento, who heads, the group that distributed the movie at the Democratic and Republican parties’ nominating conventions, told JewsOnFirst that their goal is to awaken the country…before the election so everyone can “see the insidious nature of radical Islam.” Trento said, his group’s website then directs viewers of the video to “a scorecard that shows how elected officials have voted” on terrorism-related issues so they can decide “how they can intelligently vote” in November.
The scorecard is on the website of Act for America, a group that says it has tabulated electeds’ “votes related to national security and the threat of Islamofascism.” Its Senate scorecard consistently favors Republicans over Democrats…
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