GOLLY! #2 Image Comics Since I always like to follow up on my reviews on a new series like this (either to confirm my previous summation or to eat some serious crow) I'm just here to affirm that I'm still really digging this new Phil Hester joint from Image. Now, I wasn't as in love with this second outing as I was the first, but that's more to do with the execution than the book itself. I still love the premise and I still especially love the cast (which added a few more wonderful colorful members this issue) and the overall humor and quirk they bring too, I just thought this issue really tried too hard to steamroll ahead. Partly I can forgive it, because we were introduced to some of that cast I just mentioned, but there was just a metric shit-ton of exposition and the like going on here, in trying to give us that cast, and trying to explain the situation behind the existence of the first target Golly has been presented with and so on. It felt kind of like two issues plowed into one, though I can understand why Hester would want to get past as many of the introductions as he can and more into the shenanigans these characters will find themselves in. That looks to be the meat of the entertainment value here and so far it's been very savory. Keeping with the food analogies, this issue just felt a little bloated is all. Overall, though, from its sense of humor to the cast and the premise, this book is still delivering some quality entertainment and aiming real high at being my favorite new series of the year. - Humphrey Lee
For anyone that wasn't aware, Brook (my husband) Turner's 2nd issue of Golly! came out last week (his art/Phil Hester, writer) And, for those of us that are not "in the know" re: pop culture; AICN, (Ain't It Cool News) is the place to score a good review. The first issue was reviewed here; you have to scroll down a bit. Rather humorous that the reviewer starts out with how much he wants to HATE the book; but loved it.
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